Below steps are for configuring the active and passive Kamailio HA.
##High Availability Cluster on Centos 7 using Corosync & Pacemaker & pcs
yum -y install corosync pacemaker pcs
yum install gdb*
systemctl enable pcsd.service
systemctl start pcsd.service
#### set the hacluster user password in both node (password must be same)
passwd hacluster
##### verify the both node are able to communicate
pcs cluster auth vm1 vm2
###### Set the VM cluster (vmserver is VM cluster name and vm1 vm2 are the node)
pcs cluster setup --name vmserver vm1 vm2
####### disable the stonith and quorum option. for 2 node, both options are not required.
pcs property set stonith-enabled=false
pcs property set no-quorum-policy=ignore
########## create the vertual IP resource
pcs resource create virtualip ocf:heartbeat:IPaddr2 ip= cidr_netmask=32 op monitor interval=30s
########## add the kamailio script in side below location
cd /usr/lib/ocf/resource.d/heartbeat/
##########create the kamailio script
pcs resource create kamailio1 ocf:heartbeat:kamailio listen_address= op monitor interval=30s
pcs constraint colocation add kamailio1 virtualip INFINITY
pcs constraint order virtualip then kamailio1
pcs cluster stop --all
pcs cluster start --all
##High Availability Cluster on Centos 7 using Corosync & Pacemaker & pcs
yum -y install corosync pacemaker pcs
yum install gdb*
systemctl enable pcsd.service
systemctl start pcsd.service
#### set the hacluster user password in both node (password must be same)
passwd hacluster
##### verify the both node are able to communicate
pcs cluster auth vm1 vm2
###### Set the VM cluster (vmserver is VM cluster name and vm1 vm2 are the node)
pcs cluster setup --name vmserver vm1 vm2
####### disable the stonith and quorum option. for 2 node, both options are not required.
pcs property set stonith-enabled=false
pcs property set no-quorum-policy=ignore
########## create the vertual IP resource
pcs resource create virtualip ocf:heartbeat:IPaddr2 ip= cidr_netmask=32 op monitor interval=30s
########## add the kamailio script in side below location
cd /usr/lib/ocf/resource.d/heartbeat/
##########create the kamailio script
pcs resource create kamailio1 ocf:heartbeat:kamailio listen_address= op monitor interval=30s
pcs constraint colocation add kamailio1 virtualip INFINITY
pcs constraint order virtualip then kamailio1
pcs cluster stop --all
pcs cluster start --all
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